Monday, April 4, 2016

Scribble Press Deluxe Stories in 2nd grade

I was excited when Ms. Miller from Eagle Cliffs asked me to come help with a lesson in her 2nd grade classroom using Scribble Press Deluxe.  This app was FREE a couple of weeks ago, and many of you had the opportunity to have it installed onto your iPads.  (If you didn't, and you want it, email Deana Elder and ask her to pretty please it install it on your iPads!)  I had used the original Scribble Press, which I liked, but wasn't happy with the sharing options.  So I was super excited to try this one out!

Since it is the first week of the BPS Book Club, we read this week's story, which is Chopsticks by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Scott Magoon.  After reading the story, we asked students to think about their "best buddies" and then use Scribble Press Deluxe to create a story telling about their friend. We wanted them to tell who their friend is, what they like about that person, and what they like to do together.  We asked them to make at least 3 pages and a cover, and use all of the tools, to practice. There are a lot of templates to help students get started, but since we were using this project to learn the app and all of the tools, we asked them to create a blank book.

Here is what the creation screen looks like:
Students are able to draw, add stickers, backgrounds, photos (take a photo or add from iPad camera roll), record their voice, and add music in the background.  They also tape right onto the page to add text.  The app was very user friendly, and the students loved the variety of stickers and backgrounds they could use to make their stories.  The part I found most tricky was adding text; it was easy enough to add, but difficult to tap back into the text area to edit any punctuation or writing mistakes.

When the students were done, they could access formatting tools like font, color, etc by selecting "Extras" in the upper left corner.  When completely finished, they selected "done" and then clicked on their book in the My Books screen.  A little pop up menu appeared, giving them to option to "save as video".  
They then uploaded to Seesaw using the camera roll option.  Really easy and some neat projects were created in about an hour!  Great job, 2nd graders!

I loved how this student used a talking bubble, and then the drawing tool to add words to the talking bubble in addition to the text he typed!  Cool!

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