Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Scribble Press FAQs!

I shared about the app ScribblePress Deluxe at the Tech Fair on Monday, and I am excited that so many of you are excited about using this app in your classrooms!  Our tech department purchased some free licenses of this app, so if any BPS teachers would like it installed on your iPads, please submit a Help Ticket and ask Deana Elder to send it to your iPads.  (It's usually $4.99, so this is a great deal!)
As I am using this app in classrooms, I have noticed a couple of things:

  • If students do not click "ok" and accept privacy permissions (camera, microphone, photos), the app will freeze and needs to be shut down and restarted, once permissions are granted.
  • If students use the story templates, I have found some difficulty in saving these books to the device.  I have had luck using the "parent" option and exporting to the device in this way; but the "blank book" seems to save as video to the device much more easily.
  • The text is difficult to edit, once students click out of the text box.  They can double tap the text area to return to type, however, I've found that it's a little tricky to get the cursor exactly where they need it to make their edits.
The developer says an update is coming soon, and hopefully these issues will be resolved!

Scribble Press FAQs:
How do I change the author on a book?
- The author name will be automatically set to "guest author", unless your students adds herself as an author on ScribblePress.  To do this, they tap the icon in the lefthand corner of the homescreen, then choose an avatar (or take a selfie) and add their name.
Can students add photos or images from their camera roll?
- Yep, students can click the camera button to take a photo, or insert an image saved to the camera roll of their iPad.
When a student is done with a page, how does he save to the library, or add another page?
- Students can save the book to their ScribblePress library by clicking "done".  If they'd like to add another page, they should click the plus sign by the page number.
Can students edit the book cover?
- By clicking on "extras", students can edit the cover of their book, including the title.  The author name defaults to whichever author was selected from the homescreen (see above), and this can't be edited.  Students can edit the font and color of the text.
How do students edit or save the book to the camera roll of an iPad?
- From the homescreen, students can click the book, then select "edit" or "save as video" (provided they have added audio and/or music to their story).  When they save the book as a video, it can be easily shared using Seesaw or another tool by uploading from the device's camera roll.
I hope this is helpful, and that you'll give ScribblePress a try in your classroom!  I have introduced it to some kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students by letting them choose a "favorite" (animal, dinosaur, food, sport, etc) and having them create a story about it.  They have really enjoyed this app, and I have loved the creative stories that they tell!  If you have a great idea for using ScribblePress in the classroom, or a question you'd like answered, please add it to the comments below!

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