Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Building Words Using the Stop Motion App

Stop Motion is a really fun free app that allows students to create their own stop motion videos. There are so many applications for this app!  I previously shared an activity from Mrs. Bishop's kindergarten where the students made videos showing numerals and the correct number of counters beside each number.

Yesterday I worked with Mrs. Davey's first grade to make videos of them building CVC words using the app.  Mrs. Caskey already had the following supplies that we could borrow, which were super helpful for this activity:
1) tag board cut into squares so the students had a work mat
2) baggies of letters (these could be cardboard letters, magnetic letters, etc)
3) a piece of paper in each baggie showing students which letters they will use and which words they will build (see example photo below)

Mrs. Caskey has students use a JuStand to hold the camera steady for the photos.  We had students work in partners, with one person acting as the photographer and one person moving the letters onto the board.  With each word, they were to switch jobs.

Mrs. Davey and I introduced this activity using the Reflector app and showing them an example.  It is important to stress the following:
1) Picture taker, wait for your partner's hand to move before taking the photo
2) TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS - the more pictures, the better your movie will be!
3) Once you have built a word, take 5 photos of that word before making the next word

The other thing that was difficult is that they didn't have to "restart" each time they made a word.  For example, if the first word was cat and the next word was bat, the students should only have to move out the letter "c" and replace with "b".  The next word might be bit, so students would only have to move out the "a" and replace with an "i".  Get it?!

If you have questions about this, or would like me to come help you get started, please let me know.  It was a really fun activity that the students LOVED.  Great for cooperation and communication skills!  These videos could then easily be saved to the iPad camera roll and shared out using the students' digital portfolio, Seesaw. Wahoo!

Here are some examples:  (PLEASE NOTE: They are not perfect!  That's okay!!  Don't be afraid to try something new!)

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