I have the following parents "on board" to chaperone our trip to the zoo on Friday, May 14th: Zoey's mom, Connor's mom, Evan's dad, Taylor's mom and Jordyn's mom. If you can't make it, or if there is someone else who would like to go that I don't have on this list, please let me know. We will leave the school at 10:00am, and plan to return to school around 1:00pm (depending on weather).
If you plan to follow us in your own car or ride the bus, please plan to be at school by 9:45am. You are welcome to meet us there, if that is more convenient for you.
If you have small children, you can bring them with you to the zoo, but you'll need to pay their admission ($3.25/each) and you'll have to follow us or meet us there in your own car.
Thanks for everyone who is so willing to help, and thanks to Beartooth PTA for sponsoring this field trip!