Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Merry Grinchmas!

Star of the Week
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thank You!
A HUGE thank you to representatives from United Way of Yellowstone County and First Interstate Bank. They visited our room today to read to the kindergartners, and present each of the students with their own copy of The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth. The kindergartners are so excited about their new books!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Awesome website

If anyone is interested, I found this really fun website! You can make a video from Santa for your son or daughter, and it is free! It is really cool.
Portable North Pole
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Student of the Month
Monday, December 13, 2010
Our Santas
Student of the Month
Star of the Week
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Gingerbread Men Measuring
Our sixth grade buddies came to our room today to help us measure gingerbread men. We used a variety of items like marshmallows, M&Ms and gumdrops to measure how tall the gingerbread men were. First we estimated how many we thought it might take, then we used the items to measure. Afterwards, we got to eat our treats! This was a fun project!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Our Gingerbread Cookies!
Thanks to our parent "Gingerbread Elves", who came in today to magically transform our colored gingerbread men into yummy gingerbread cookies! The kids absolutely loved this activity. A huge thank you to room moms Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Workman for coordinating this, and everyone who contributed supplies and came in to help!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Gingerbread Man Recipe
Since we are reading about gingerbread men this week, and having a treat on Thursday, I thought I'd share a favorite recipe. The kids really love it, because it uses butterscotch pudding instead of molasses. Yum! Gingerbread Men Recipe
Santa's Workshop
On December 8th, our class will shop in "Santa's Workshop." A shopping list will be sent home with your child today. If you choose to participate, please return the shopping list and money (each gift is $1.50) by December 8th. The kids really love picking out their own gifts for their family and friends! This is a fun event provided by PTA.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Gobble, gobble!

We enjoyed making turkey hats in Ms. Miller's room, then wearing them to our yummy Friendship Feast! Thanks to all of the parents who contributed items for our feast. The kids really enjoyed it, and their time together. A big thanks to the parents who came to help out during the feast!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Next Week
I apologize - I just noticed an error I made on the snack calendar for this month. Next week, there is full-day school on Monday, November 22nd and a half day (out at noon) on Tuesday, November 23rd. There is no school November 24-26th. School will resume on the 29th. Sorry for the confusion!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
We Like Pumpkin Pie!
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we have been talking a lot about pumpkin pie! Our Poem of the Week is even a song about pumpkin pie. On Friday, I brought in some pumpkin pie and whipped cream and we all ate some, then graphed who liked it and who didn't. Lots of kindergartners LOVED the pie! We also painted pieces of "pie" and added cotton ball whipped cream. The kids really enjoyed this project.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
We are thankful for ...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Friendship Feast
We are planning a Friendship Feast with all three kindergarten classes on Tuesday, November 23rd at 11:00. Since this is a half-day of school, this will also be our lunch. We will be making Taco Soup in class. Each child will bring an item to school to help make our Taco Soup, or an item for our feast. Please check your child's red folder next Wednesday to find out what item you need to bring. Please bring the item by Monday, November 22nd. If you are unable to bring your item, please let me know. Thank you!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you to everyone who attended Parent Teacher Conferences this week. It was wonderful visiting with you all about your awesome kids! Please let me know if you ever have questions or concerns about anything that is happening in our classroom, or if you'd like to help in our room anytime.
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Girl Scouts

Two of our kindergarten parents, Benette Johnson and Sarah Strauser, are leading Girl Scout Troops in our area. These two troops are Daisy troops and are open to Kindergartners and first graders. This does not mean a girl from another school or area cannot be involved in these troops. Benette's troop, Troop #2144, will be meeting on Monday for a parent meeting from 6pm to 7pm. Please call her if you are interested in Girls Scouts or know someone who is and have not been contacted by one of the new troop leaders yet. We may not have the correct contact information. Benette's number is #690-6388. Thank you!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Candy Wrappers
Friday, October 29, 2010
Happy Halloween!

We had a busy and fun day at school today. Thanks to everyone who sent in supplies for our yummy "spooky" trail mix. A special thank you to Airianna's mom, Benette, for purchasing the fun candy corn man craft supplies. The kids loved making these!
Have a happy and safe Halloween! Don't forget to send in a few wrappers from your child's favorite candy for sorting, patterning and graphing activities on Monday!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thankful Week
The staff and students of Beartooth School would like to invite you to help us celebrate Thankful Week, November 15th-19th. We encourage guests to participate in a read-in and join us for lunch. We hope you will be able to come in and read with some of our students during our class' time.
Monday, November 15th: 10:40 (read), 11:00 (lunch)
Lunch is $3/adult. The school must have your RSVP at least one day in advance if you are coming.
Monday, November 15th: 10:40 (read), 11:00 (lunch)
Lunch is $3/adult. The school must have your RSVP at least one day in advance if you are coming.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Graphing Candy Wrappers

On Friday, October 29th, we will have a small celebration in our room for Halloween. It is Beartooth School's policy for students to NOT wear their costumes to school on this day.
I will send home a Ziploc bag in your child's red folder. Please fill the Ziploc bag with a treat to share in our "Spooky Trail Mix". Some items I would recommend are Halloween-shaped pretzels, Halloween-shaped marshmallows, Halloween-themed cereal, M&Ms, etc. Please remember NO NUTS OR PEANUT BUTTER.
If you would like to send in any other treats, you are welcome to. Please let me know. Thank you!
Black Song
B-l-a-c-k spells black, b-l-a-c-k spells black.
Flying bats are black,
Scary cats are black,
Jelly beans are black,
I like black!
Orange Song
O-r-a-n-g-e orange, o-r-a-n-g-e orange, o-r-a-n-g-e orange,
Orange is what that spells!
Pumpkins are always orange,
Carrots are always orange,
Oranges are always orange,
Student of the Month

Each month a student from each class is chosen as the Student of the Month. I look for students who are good listeners, good friends, and who always try their best. It is always very hard for me to choose! This month I chose Emily. She will enjoy a McDonald's lunch with Mrs. McCall on Thursday. Congratulations, Emily!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe
Today we made pumpkin pancakes in our room, and the kids LOVED them. I promised I would put the recipe on our website. :)
Make a regular pancake mix, and add 1/4 c. pumpkin, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. nutmeg. Stir it all together, and cook as you normally would. I added chocolate chips to ours, and served with butter. You can also serve with whipped cream.
Make a regular pancake mix, and add 1/4 c. pumpkin, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. nutmeg. Stir it all together, and cook as you normally would. I added chocolate chips to ours, and served with butter. You can also serve with whipped cream.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pumpkin Measuring
Friday, October 15, 2010
Our Trip to Sartorie Farms
Thanks to the parents and grandparents who helped us make it through the corn maze and pumpkin patch! We had a great time!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Time for Kids magazines

Thanks to Beartooth PTA, the kindergartners at Beartooth will soon be receiving weekly issues of Time for Kids magazine. The magazine has lots of great non-fiction stories, as well as activities to do at home. Your kindergartner will be able to bring it home, which will be fun to for you to read together! Thanks, Beartooth PTA!
National Geographic Kids Videos

The kindergartners have enjoyed watching some cool videos of bats and spiders at the National Geographic Kids website. Check it out here: National Geographic Kids Videos.
Scary Spiders!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Stellaluna puppets

Today we read the story Stellaluna by Janell Cannon. We compared bats and birds, and talked about what is alike and what is different about them. Then we made these cool Stellaluna puppets!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Field Practicum Student
This fall, we are lucky to have a junior field practicum student from MSU-Billings helping in our classroom, Dusty Weiand. The kids have enjoyed getting to know Ms. W, and she has been a big help in our room.
We see pumpkins!
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

On Friday, October 15th, the kindergarten classes from Beartooth will be going on a field trip to the pumpkin patch at Sartorie Farms on Hawthorne Road. We will leave the school around 12:10, arriving at Sartorie Farms around 12:20pm. This will be a really fun opportunity for the students to see how and where pumpkins are grown, go on a hayride, and pick their own pumpkins! They are very excited.
Cost for the field trip is $6/child. A permission slip will be sent home with your student today. Please return the permission slip and money by Thursday, October 14th.
We also need 4 parent chaperones. Chaperones are free, but cannot pick pumpkins. Let me know if you can join us!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Green Song
G-r-e-e-n, g-r-e-e-n
I know how to spell green,
G-r-e-e-n, g-r-e-e-n.
Caterpillars are green, and grasshoppers, too.
I know how to spell green,
G-r-e-e-n, g-r-e-e-n.
Brown Song
There is a color we all know, can you guess what it is?
B-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n, b-r-o-w-n and that's how we spell brown!
Teddy bears and squirrels are brown, autumn leaves are, too.
Chocolate cake is always brown, chocolate candy's always brown, chocolate milk is always brown.
I like brown, don't you?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Pumpkin Activity Pages
Check out these links from Bry-Back Manor for some fun pumpkin-themed skills practice:
Make a Pumpkin Pattern
The Pumpkin Patch Game
Which Gourd is Different?
Pumpkin Concentration
Make a Pumpkin Pattern
The Pumpkin Patch Game
Which Gourd is Different?
Pumpkin Concentration
Friday, October 1, 2010
We like apples
Thursday, September 30, 2010
School Bus Safety Field Trip

On Monday, October 4th, the students will be participating in a school bus safety field trip. A bus driver will talk to the students about school bus rules and procedures, and we will take a short field trip on the bus to a park nearby Beartooth, so students can practice the rules and experience riding the bus. A permission slip was sent home in your child's red folder on Wednesday. Please sign and return the form by FRIDAY so your child can attend the field trip.
Thank you!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Snack Calendar
A snack calendar for October will be in your child's red folder this afternoon. Each student will be assigned a day to bring snack for the class. We have 23 students in our class. We do have a small refrigerator in our room, so you are welcome to send things such as cheese sticks, yogurt, fruit or veggies. We do have a nut allergy in our room, so please be mindful of this as you plan snack. Thank you!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Teddy Bear Picnic Fun!

We had a great time at our Teddy Bear Picnic! The kids helped make biscuits, that we ate with honey. We graphed who liked them and who did not. We also sorted our bears into lots of different groups - this picture is sorting them by color. Thanks for helping the kids to remember their stuffed friends for a fun day! And thanks to Isabella and Jass for bringing some treats to share!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Kindergarten Service Project

The kindergarten classes at Beartooth are going to participate in the Drink Pouch Brigade upcycling program. Pouch Brigades are groups of kids and adults who collect empty drink pouches (such as Capri Sun). When they collect enough, the pouches are mailed away to be upcycled into new products. Think of how many pouches are saved from landfills each year!
Beartooth School will receive $.02 for every drink pouch we turn in. So the MORE pouches our class collects, the MORE we will help the environment and the MORE cash we will get for our school! All money collected will be donated to the Beartooth PTA to use on projects to help our school.
Here's how kids can help:
1) Finish your drink.
2) Remove the straw.
3) Put it in the collection bin. No rinsing or washing!
Collection bins will be available in each classroom and the lunchroom. You can bring pouches from home, and recycle pouches used at school. Easy!
Empty pouches are mailed for free to TerraCycle, a company that turns them into cool bags and pencil cases for kids and adults.
Help us out! Drink it. Save it. Upcycle it!
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