One of the events at the Winter Carnival is a Basket Raffle. Each class is encouraged to put together a themed basket to be raffled off. This year we have decided to build a sports-themed basket. Some items I have obtained are Rocky Mountain College athletics tickets and gear, and Billings Mustangs tickets and gear.
I need your help in finishing this basket - any sports-themed items are welcome. This could be gift cards to sports stores, tickets to sporting events, balls, water bottles, energy drinks, snacks, gear, etc. Some parents in the past have called and asked businesses for donations and they are usually willing to help. Another option is for you to donate money that we could use to purchase items for the basket. Anything that you can do to help is greatly appreciated.
I would appreciate receiving the items by the 18th of January, so I can see what we have and determine what more we need. Thanks so much for your help. Please let me know if you have any questions about the carnival or basket raffle.