The kindergartners did a great job on their at-home project of decorating gingerbread men. If you have not yet returned your decorated gingerbread man, please return to school so it can be displayed. I hope you had fun with this project!
On Tuesday, November 22, all 3 Kindergarten classes are planning tohave a Friendship Feast. This is an early out day. We will be dismissed at noon. School lunch will not be served this day. Our feast of taco soup, cornbread, and a dessert will be our lunch instead.
All members of our class will bring an ingredient for our feast. We will combine all of the ingredients to make the taco soup. A few of our classmates will be assigned to bring taco soup ingredients. cornbread, dessert, or drinks. If you are unable to contribute, please let me know.
Please bring your ingredient for the Friendship Feast by Tuesday, November 22.
Our Room Moms, Nancy Wheeler and Chandra Richards, are planning to contact any interested parents in helping us to set-up, serve, and/or clean up. Volunteers are needed between 10:00 and 12:00. If you have not been contacted by email to volunteer, please let me know you are interested in volunteering. Also, let me know if you would like to share your email address with Nancy and Chandra for future volunteer opportunities.
A note will be sent home on 11/11/11 asking you to bring a specific item. Thanks for your help during this fun event!