The kindergarten classes at Beartooth are going to participate in the
Drink Pouch Brigade upcycling program. Pouch Brigades are groups of kids and adults who collect empty drink pouches (such as Capri Sun). When they collect enough, the pouches are mailed away to be upcycled into new products. Think of how many pouches are saved from landfills each year!
Beartooth School will receive $.02 for every drink pouch we turn in. So the MORE pouches our class collects, the MORE we will help the environment and the MORE cash we will get for our school! All money collected will be donated to the Beartooth PTA to use on projects to help our school.
Here's how kids can help:
1) Finish your drink.
2) Remove the straw.
3) Put it in the collection bin. No rinsing or washing!
Collection bins will be available in each classroom and the lunchroom. You can bring pouches from home, and recycle pouches used at school. Easy!
Empty pouches are mailed for free to TerraCycle, a company that turns them into cool bags and pencil cases for kids and adults.
Help us out! Drink it. Save it. Upcycle it!