Resources for Teachers & Students

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What I Want Parents to Know About Kindergarten ...

This was posted on my new Twitter friend, Matt Gomez', awesome blog and when I tried, I realized I couldn't say it any better.  Looking forward to a wonderful year in kindergarten!

- I am as nervous or maybe even more nervous than you (and your child) on the first day of school. I want everything to go perfectly and will do my best to make that happen.
I don’t take your trust for granted. I understand that each student is someone’s baby.
- Relationships are key. I will work hard to build our relationship.
- Communication is crucial for us to be able to build relationships. I will do everything I can to keep you informed in what is happening at school. You will have my email and phone number and I want you contact me when you have questions or concerns.
- I appreciate parents that advocate for their child. As long as we both listen to each other I know we can work to overcome any situation or issue.
- I want your child to succeed.
- We will have fun.
- It may take me a few weeks to get to know each child socially, emotionally and academically. Please be patient with me. I will focus on getting to know your child’s social and emotional needs before worrying about academics. The learning will happen but not before the relationships are built.
- I don’t believe in traditional homework. Most days I suggest playing outside as homework because play is a child’s work. Read to (or with) your child every day. That is the only academics I suggest on a daily basis.
- I love my job.
- My philosophy : Kindergarten is a social year that should be full of play that promotes learning.
I know there is more but these are the most important to me. Can’t wait to start the year!

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