Resources for Teachers & Students

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Frozen Party

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Frozen party so much fun!  We made Elsa crowns and Sven antlers (thanks to Evan's mom!), then used the Draw & Tell app to write about our favorite Frozen characters (some of the kids were really hoping for a Minecraft party, so we wrote about Minecraft, too).  You can see many of these posted on the kids' Kidblogs.  We read the Frozen story and watched part of the movie.  We also had a Frozen dance party (with Audrey's disco ball!) and some amazing snacks from Lydia, Taylee, Silas & Kingston's moms.  Camryn brought tons of great Frozen stuff to use to decorate.

We had a busy day, as we also visited 1st grade and met the 1st grade teachers and had our last "buddy time" with our 3rd grade buddies.  We weren't able to finish the Frozen games I had planned, so we will have some fun tomorrow!  Whew!  What a day!  :)

Don't forget backpacks tomorrow ... kids will bring home supplies and headphones!

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