Resources for Teachers & Students

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

iPads and Headphones

I am so happy to share with you, that through a partnership with the Billings Education Foundation, our classroom will soon become a "21st Century Classroom"! This is part of the Primary Interactive Inquiry Project, which several first grade classrooms in our district are currently participating in.  Our classroom and a kindergarten classroom at Broadwater Elementary will be piloting this program for our grade level. 

Our classroom will soon have 1:1 devices (iPad minis for each student to use in our classroom) and we will have assessment capabilities using our iPads.  This technology, combined with our interactive whiteboard, will make our classroom a truly interactive room where students can learn, explore, create and share. We are very excited!!!!

To give you a better understanding of what our classroom will look like, I encourage you to watch this short video (6 minutes) taken in Mrs. Courtney Niemeyer's first grade classroom at Eagle Cliffs Elementary.  Mrs. Niemeyer's students were the first to engage in this type of experience here in Billings, and the results have been fantastic.  Click here to watch the video of Mrs. Niemeyer's students.

I will continue to communicate with you as the devices arrive and we begin to use them daily.  We hope to have a technology night or afternoon, where we can share with you what we are learning and creating.  Before the iPads arrive, we need two tools to use with them: 1) styluses for writing and drawing and 2) headphones to plug into the devices (no earbuds).  Mrs. McCall has purchased the styluses for our students to use, and many of you already sent headphones to school with your child this fall.  If you have not already sent in a pair of inexpensive headphones, please do at your earliest convenience.  THANK YOU!

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